A very personal blog

Category: Personal

  • everybody’s well aware that today marks the most anticipated event for this month. it’s valentines day! by now you should be thinking what a bore i am that on this festive day i chose to go online rahter than pay a hundred bucks on speed dating and another 20 bucks to have my crush’s picture…

  • dormythology

    i’m sick. i have tonsilitis, yun lang naman sakit ko e, so much for valentines. grrr… ate theresa texted me 12:01 am she said the ryan and juday are so sweet in the lovapalooza last night. i’m so down. really really down. and chances are ryan won’t be taping with y!speak anymore so i have…

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  • i'm trying to make sense here

    we’re all confused! everybody goes through this stage of confusion of whether or not they are really suited for the course they’re in. i have only one advice, we’ve only just begun. we’re only freshmen students! we’re rushing things up! we’re still subject to further adjustments and it will continue to annoy us. look at…

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  • 5 secrets

    tagged by: rica 1. i have a crush on the person sitting 2 seats away from me. for one thing, he wears glasses!2. i found shabu under the chair in the dorm (seriously).3. i’m only here in this internet shop in hopes of seeing my other crush (other than #1).4. i’m a nail-biting monster (heh.…

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  • slow torture

    our idiot of a homeowner’s president just did the worst thing he could afford to do in his entire (and not to mention dire) term. he hired stupid men to debark the 2 biggest trees in visayas avenue. if you ask me, or if you’re living here in our poorly led subdivision, you would damn…

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  • the 10 virtues

    it’s the coldest i’ve ever felt in my whole life and i haven’t been to baguio. anyway i’ve been eating a lot. come on, we need all the body heat we could get and according to the concept of bodily thermodynamics, the combustion of glucose (found in carbohydrates) produces heat. hence it’s a fallacy that…

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