A very personal blog

Category: Personal

  • loading…

    i love receiving e-newsletters from Cnet. they cover up the most important tech topics on the web and they give you super reliable answers and advices coming from the tech pro’s themselves and other active members. right now i’m learning a lot on which antivirus works best because as usual, i’m having problems managing my…

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  • 9:30 entry

    news: it’s the first time ever that i created a layout that worked well in other browsers. remember the last version of this layout is skrewed in firefox? now it’s not. it came to me one night when i was having my usual solitary sessions that i have a float: right property embedded on the…

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  • giant optics

    can’t think of a good enough title. sorry. the past few err… moments were really dreadful i couldn’t almost get out from the thick blanket i hid myself in. i have never been this depressed in my studies. i’m not usually like this in highschool. i never cared. i was too indifferent to bother looking…

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  • live junk

    hello. our chem16 teacher didn’t show up, that’s why i’m up here early doing my usual online activities. hay. i’ve just realized how i’ve grown into such a hopeless romantic. i’m actually close to ending the argument that all cute guys are either a) taken or b) gay. there’s never really a reason for such…

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  • new layout

    pretty much only the color scheme has changed. red is still my favorite color. i just want to see something new. hope it works well in your browsers, though i wouldn’t count that much with firefox and other browsers. we had our field trip in tagaytay… awhile ago. we left here (in los banos) at…

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  • where do i begin…

    i’m home! you’ll probably read that statement once a week whenever i chance upon an internet connection here in our house. i’m so glad i’m back. it’s a very long weekend for us! i couldn’t be anymore happier. the bus ride was extremely nauseating and i was suppressing the urge not to throw up. it…

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