A very personal blog

  • magnetic resonance ____?

    i forgot what MRI means… maybe the I is for imaging… i’m not sure.you may have not forgotten about my knee pain yet since i always, always mention it like it’s already part of this blog… we went to an ortho last last week and he had me MRI-ed. it’s like an x-ray but it…

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  • good news!

    good news! my handheld is now working! yay! after months of looking for an electronics repair shop that will accept my palm (which has hard-to-find spare parts), we finally found one which is just 5 minutes away from home. = i know it’ll give them (and me too) a hard time to look for tungsten…

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  • note: money spent is money lost

    i think i’m done with pampering myself… i’ve roamed the mall a lot of times already and i’m tired. i never went shopping, really. i just want to look around, watch a movie perhaps and of course.. eat. ate theresa and i went to ust awhile ago to confirm my slot and pay 5 thou…

    Read more: note: money spent is money lost
  • inspired

    during one of our grad practices jami and i (perhaps mika was there too =) ) were intrigued with the materpieces the gradeschool art teacher was posting at the podium stage. everything was nice i was almost shocked on how the gradeschool pupils did it! eventually we found out they used felt paper as the…

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  • the simpler the better

    there is one important thing separating a superhero from a hero. a superhero cannot be with the woman he loves without risking her life. he cannot mingle with the townspeople without hiding his identity. he is present everytime there is trouble but he doesn’t celebrate with them through their victory. a superhero is very limited…

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  • freedom! forever!

    i hate system interruptions! i know you hate them too! i’m in the middle of writing a blog post then suddenly this computer shuts down! worse is, i’m downloading a 5 mb file and i’m freakin 89% done. they say the worst is yet to come and indeed… the moment i open the pc the…

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