A very personal blog

Category: Personal

  • maaaayyyy

    may 1: EK with friends! one of my happiest days! may 2: therapy again… nothing much. just the usual, bike, squat, ultrasound and shock routine. may 6: went to splash mountain again to celebrate dad’s [1] birthday! major spotting with my cousin. had FUN!! my cousin has gone bonkers over this guy we saw in…

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  • Wishlist

    [this gets updated, ok? so nevermind the date! :D] Of course, above everything else – MONETARY GIFTS are highly appreciated! Because as you can see… most of these things are expensive, and quite specific too. hahahaha laptop rechargeable digital camera – i like the olympus fe320/fe280 speedo goggles swimming cap colored gel pens new rubbershoes…

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  • geek in the pink – jazon mraz

    wuhoo, it’s saturday! nothing great actually…this morning i went to the rehab center again (yes, i’m drugs!) – that’s how they call the theraphy place in the hospital, don’t get me wrong please. i actually hate this day’s session because i have my period and my lower abdomen (???) hurts… like hell, and i have…

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  • cookies and cream overload

    major ice cream indulgence! i’m having my 2nd cup right now. haaay, such bliss enters my mouth as a chunk of this frozen delight melts in my tongue. no words can explain how ice cream quenches my craves. mehn, this is too good to be true. on the other side, you cannot blame me if…

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  • poor little buffy ran away, better to forever roam the streets that stay with me to play…

    just came here to rant about how lame pinoy big brother has become in just 3 seasons. there isn’t anything SPECIAL with the teen housemates. they don’t have something in them that will set them aside from the others. sure, the teenage mom caught most of our attention but it’s not a good enough thing…

    Read more: poor little buffy ran away, better to forever roam the streets that stay with me to play…
  • mehn.

    awhile ago was the first day of my therapy. nothing quite peculiar happened. the therapist assigned to me, ate shy, talks like ms. aureada… hehe. she first stuck 2 gel smeared pads (or whatever you call them) on the sides of my right knee and kind of electrecuted me for 20 minutes, it wasn’t that…

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