A very personal blog

Category: Personal

  • addictinggames.com

    weeee… found another game site! so far so good, i’m playing a kiddie game called tumblebugs. haha cute. right now i’m updating the active x control, whatever that is, so that i can play drag racing. my gamesite hunting has gone a little farther now, i first went to orisinal but their games are too…

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  • problem solved

    http://arianneonline.tk not much for now. hehe. please sign the guestbook.

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  • bwiset blogger

    i’m almost done with my website. i have coded everthing, hosted every image and checked every detail. i created a new blog for it but blogger won’t upload my template for some damn unreasonable errors. i even tried the template in this blog and it freakin worked. how come it won’t work with the other…

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  • hpdm

    my buddy is okay now. the power source was changed. i managed to backup our files even with a disfunctional mouse. yehey! kaso may problema parin, ung mouse nga. seems like the usb is fucked up. i’m planning on creating another website, it’s my 3rd attempt already and hopefully i will keep this one up…

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  • my buddy is sick

    the computer screwed off again. this time it’s not because of a virus (that i unintentionally downloaded through scam) but because of the power source. it gave up. it won’t turn on. haaay. sad. i was super excited panaman to write because i have the ideas flowing once more but mehn. meeeeeehhhhnnn!! it’s still in…

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  • the marauders are back

    i just finished reading an in-progress fic. it’s M. yeah, i always read M. not all M’s are graphically detailed to the point of you wanting to puke in horror. in fact, i categorize my fics under rating M to be safe. i tend to curse you know. and more likely, the M’s in ffnet…

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