A very personal blog

Category: Personal

  • ersatz

    this is an extra small post which doesn’t necessarily have to be small. i don’t know why i tend to blog a lot when nothing is happening to me at all. right now, nothing happened. like nadda nadda null null none none empty empty. yet i know i have something to say, and mind you,…

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  • awesomely bad career moves

    i’m enjoying vh1 a lot. but i just don’t agree with last night’s all access: awesomely bad career moves. to me a bad career move is something that practically ditched a celebrity’s status. madonna rapping is quite a news, but it’s not a bad move, it’s experimenting. look at her now, she’s still flying high…

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  • to where you are – josh groban

    what a beautiful song! hihi and it served as an inspiration to me! yay! i wrote another crappy harryXdraco entitled – ‘To where you are’.. this time it’s T13. since making an M would take a lot of chapters. hooray to me, i just finished it. it’s 9 pages long. haha. and mind you, it…

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  • gloria is the mole of asia

    quite a day folks. this afternoon after dropping my dad to rockwell me and my mom and my uncle went to sm mall of asia for the first time! what a treat. my mom has a client from the cinema accounting so that’s why. hehe… it was biggg… duh. hehe we didn’t stroll a lot,…

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  • hey it's monday

    i’m slightly depressed. hehe, ateneo lost to ust. haha, and my sister keeps on badmouthing them because, duh she’s for ateneo, her hate for ust triggered upon knowing that mr. gonzales, who branded u.p. students country destabilizers, graduated an insulting tiger. i don’t hate ust, i just feel bad for ateneo because their efforts have…

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  • pray. it works

    hehe. my prayers are getting answered bit by bit. i thank God for it. i actually wrote a ‘prayer requests’ list and hid it in one of the drawers in our prayer room and every night i go there to pray for it. the book is right, if you manage to do something for 30…

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