A very personal blog

Category: Personal

  • the sun is shiinnniiiing! duh

    in the heat of the summer, would you believe it just rained? it wasn’t hard though. but it did skrew up my plan to go to the mall later. yeah, i want to go to the mall today… even though i’m going to the mall again tomorrow! with mika! i hope 300 is still showing…

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  • point made

    3rd Philippine Blogging SummitApril 13 and 14 at the UP Dilimian College of Economics Auditorium. details here you can reserve a seat by registering. i plan on joining but i have plans on the said date. haay. anyhow, i’m not really interested with the speakers. what they could possibly say about blogs is already available…

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  • you betcha, sigmund freud

    currently reading: naruto fanfics i had a semi-good dream last night! this time starring me and a certain friend. nothing much, we just walked… like usual. from class back to the dorm. and i have to credit sigmund freud’s psychoanalytic studies for proposing a definition of a dream which says that our dreams are the…

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  • happy easter sunday!

    my eyes are all heavily swollen. instead of watching a ‘Jesus’ film from the 12in1 Jesus Films dvd my dad bought, we watched a war movie. a waaaar movie. and it’s damn great it made me cry like i’ve never had before on a damned movie. and now i’m adding it to my favorites. err……

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  • sun of the beach!!!

    i wanna go to the beach!! everyone’s flying to boracay, to bohol, to palawan… blah. and i’m here. stuck in the house without a life. and look! the only highlight of this summer will be my summer classes. now that’s so boring it could kill me. wait, i did say i was excited to take…

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  • happy good friday!

    currently listening to: draw me close – michael smith dad bought a couple of cd’s yesterday. 2 piano cds and 2 gospel cd’s! he bought don moen’s newest! mehn, i couldn’t be anymore happier! my last don moen cd was when he doesn’t have those wrinkles and white hair yet but now, he’s looks pretty…

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