A very personal blog

Category: Personal

  • without a cure

    i hate myself for wasting electricity this much. heck, i’m online again! i’ve always been online ever since i came home… which is quite a good thing because i don’t have to spend a lot on net cafes and i can do a lot of things for as long as i want! like this new…

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  • i bid you farewell

    we went to the doctor awhile ago to consult my alleged heartburn. well, i was right, it was really a heartburn but it’s also something worse. hehe. the doctor, in her outrageously commanding voice told me to avoid all these foods: coffee, softdrinks, tea, cold drinks, chocolate, milk, sour foods and tomatoes! and prescribed me…

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  • some things are better off untold

    people who say that end up blogging their lives anyway. this is the first day i’m spending whatever is left of my summer vacation out of the university and it sucks because the sky is not rejoicing with me. >_>; wait. today is our batch reunion! and i’m home. i told you i’m not coming.…

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  • i'm freeeeeeee

    yet i’m so bored. guess where i am? i’m here at edsa shang. chilling out, wasting money online. and they freakin charge 60 pesos per hour! i guess i’m not really used to it, back in los banos i only pay 20 per hour and at home we only pay 400 a month for unlimited…

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  • victory christian fellowship

    it’s a christian fellowship here in uplb at the 5th floor of Vega Center. it was great! ehehehe, eh first time ko kasi eh. and i must say it’s better than the last youth fellowship i attended. sabi ko nga i’m going to continue attending this 1st sem para naman happy ang spiritual life ko.…

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  • girl from ipanema

    bloomfield’s version is so much better than sitti’s and the original artist’s! i’m loving bloomfields more and more! hehehe so.. today is wednesday. one more sleep to go before i’m OFICIALLY FREEEEE of all the err… troubles of summer classes. haaay, my summer is ending sooooon and i can’t believe i haven’t done anything fun…

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