A very personal blog

Category: Personal

  • chicken invaders

    i’m finally done reading Avalon High. hmm… it was ok. at first i thought it would totally suck because as we all know it, there’s an average girl, a jock and a cheerleader… characters who are never outcasted in a teen novel… but then i realized somewhere in the middle that it’s not that bad…

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  • (",)

    i have a freakin mouthsore. make that two. no, three. and maybe even four cos i’m starting to feel another one bubbling out. mehn. i have a new favorite book! no, not something from Meg Cabot… i’m not gonna fave a chic-lit from now on. hehehe…it’s a book by a very influential lay Catholic preacher……

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  • book of the dumb

    currently reading: avalon high – meg cabot it’s been ages since i last read chic-lit. actually i just downloaded it as an ebook and i’m reading it now through ms reader. people say chic-lits, or generally teen novels, make you dumber. i say it improves your writing style but doesn’t really enhance your vocabulary. for…

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  • even demons disguise themselves as angels

    that was my latest doodle work. hehehe. yesterday?bwahahahahanyaaahahahahahaaaa…ka, nez and i watched the movie Whisper, as in ‘the devil has found a new playmate’well, NOT REALLY. >_>it was supposed to be horror but it didn’t really scare me that much. hehehehe and it turned out to be a comedy pa…maybe it really depends on your…

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  • at least i passed

    i got a 2.75 on chem17. i suck.so what’s 2.75? that’s around 61%-65%. whattagrade. but at least i passed, and i didn’t have anymore of those deadly jitters i felt when i was waiting for my chem16 grade. i sort of got used to it. you know, i have the right to feel slightly unalarmed…

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  • waiting on the world to change

    yesterday: we went to TriNoma, the new mall across SM North Edsa. their level parking was HELL. the beam is too low, the ramp is too high, the lanes are too small (and it’s a freakin 2-way) and the way the parking spaces are arranged is really confusing. in short, we didn’t get a parking…

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