A very personal blog

Author: Yan

  • what do we need them for?

    i’m finding it hard not to see him. fuck. i’m aching to go back to mall of asia, purchase a cup of coffee, and in the process have a little conversation with him again. i miss him! i hope he’ll still talk to me when we meet again. come on, he should remember me… he’s…

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  • wanted: patient reader

    wednesday afternoon: met with mika at starbucks, sm north. had my precious dose of coffee. the barista heard my name wrong. it’s ok, it’s not always that you get christened with a new name. though it sucks cos i forgot to mention that my name’s Adrianne and not Arianne (or Marian, whatever). watched 300 at…

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  • the good, the bad, and the 5 hour stroll

    terai and i went to smf awhile ago. hahaha. the hot and sticky feeling the rain left on us didn’t stop us from going to the mall. so we commuted there and loooked around. yeah, we’re the mistresses of window shopping. we practically tried every shoe (that fits) in the department store and entered those…

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  • the sun is shiinnniiiing! duh

    in the heat of the summer, would you believe it just rained? it wasn’t hard though. but it did skrew up my plan to go to the mall later. yeah, i want to go to the mall today… even though i’m going to the mall again tomorrow! with mika! i hope 300 is still showing…

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  • Nokia Aeon Concept Phone

    take a look at this wicked phone wow. it’s really cool. from what i’ve read i think nokia hasn’t started distributing it yet but since they’ve spilled out enough beans on this thing they better speed up with finishing it. it sure is one of the most unique designs i’ve seen on cellphones. and wait,…

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  • point made

    3rd Philippine Blogging SummitApril 13 and 14 at the UP Dilimian College of Economics Auditorium. details here you can reserve a seat by registering. i plan on joining but i have plans on the said date. haay. anyhow, i’m not really interested with the speakers. what they could possibly say about blogs is already available…

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