A very personal blog

Author: Yan

  • who's yo daddy?

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY!!!!! yeeeey! i just went online to to make this entry on my dad’s birthday! sad coz i’m stuck here in elbi right on this very special day. grr… weee. i’m so excited to go home on FRIDAY! it’s the first time i’m going home on a friday! anyhow. here’s how exciting my…

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  • come on friday!

    i thought i’m going to feel sick for the whole week cos apparently, i overindulged on food on the last 2 days that’s why i’m suffering from lbm right now. huhuhu. i’m also vomiting like hell and i feel dizzy all the time. hope it’s nothing. yeah, i know it’s nothing. i drank a glass…

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  • a fool's report

    this thing stressed the hell out of me it’s my hand written full report on chemical equilibrium. wah. i had a super headache while re-writing it from my yellow pad. anyhow, i’m so proud i’m done with it. and it looks typewritten from afar! yey. i’m so proud of my handwriting. handwriting lang. haha. my…

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  • another one bites the dust

    whoa. i so like our teacher awhile ago! i just hope he substitutes our original teacher more often. hehe. he gave away 500 pesos to the first person who got the problem right in 3 minutes. and hell he did. o.O i wish all teachers are THAT generous. kat, july and i passed by the…

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  • way back into love

    it’s already may! 18 more days to go before summer classes are over! i can’t wait!!! for the third time, they changed our schedule again. i’m back to the 9-4 sched. i hope to get used to their fickle-mindedness soon before i leash out my fury on their inconsiderate descisions. i remember a Bible verse…

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  • chorva

    our exam proctor was so unfair, last saturday at the end of the exam, he practically shoved our section out of the lecture room to be able to have some time alone with his lab section. what’s unfair about that? he didn’t want US to know the good news that our very own lab instructor…

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