A very personal blog

  • Heya

    // Happy for our condo community. They’ve been fighting to get residents elected on the board because our PMO is incompetent and DMCI reps can’t be trusted. Condo’s been operating on a ~50M deficit without a solid recovery plan besides increasing the association dues and collecting special fees. I really have no contribution to this…

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  • Changing themes

    I give up. My site just randomly changes its default colors and I don’t understand why. I’m using the Stewart theme which originally has maroon as the primary color. I was able to change that but just recently it’s been crazy. I’m changing themes and hoping for the best.

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  • Broken theme

    I have no idea what the hell happened to my theme but all of the sudden the styling is off and I have to sit for hours to fix a lot of things. Fonts, colors, margins, etc. I think it’s a theme issue? I’m not entirely sure but it sucks. My header font isn’t working…

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  • Life lately: Burgers and milkshakes

    Oh you mean the ability to work from home? Fantastic, and quite frankly long overdue. But the mandatory masking in some places like the hospital, I find unnecessary at this point. ↪ Burgers and milkshake night We had burgers and milkshake yesterday. It was a great dinner. Some things are just better made at home…

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  • Eggs Royale

    I have a new favorite at Mary Grace. It used to be Vigan Longganisa, then a couple of weeks ago I really came to love their Salmon with creamy dill sauce and couscous rice. I had it twice that week. But the serving is too much. I couldn’t enjoy dessert afterwards so I tried something…

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  • Happy Friday

    #1 Went to the auto shop earlier to have the car assessed after getting into a minor accident last week. My husband accidentally hit a post while backing up from my sister’s condo’s driveway. It’s nice to finally take a step towards getting the car fixed. I mean the real first step was calling insurance…

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