A very personal blog

  • there is someone walking behind you

    this morning i went to school to help finish the GALS banner. thank God we’re done, yay! i got my school shirt which is size M but it turns out that it magically shrank 2 sizes smaller. dem, i should have chosen XL if i knew that school shirts are supposed to be that small.…

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  • whoopdeedoo

    there’s something weird about me today. i don’t know, i feel so happy like there’re a lot of positive charges coursing through my veins. it’s inexplicable i can’t determine the source of this but i guess this is an omen that something good will happen soon. oh i wish THIS is it. meehn. well well,…

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  • sorry dear parents

    i was thinking of changing the ‘welcome’ to a ‘sorry’ but hell, why would i? there there. how are my grades? geez, their fine as hell. they always remain as they are. i mean, the average and all. they’re still the same. ever since i was in first year my averages would always play around…

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  • the ultimate geek show

    how’s that huh? it’s a very brilliant plan it drives me crazy. we could conquer the world with ingenious calculators and never worry about anything mathematically. *insert hillarious geek laugh here* yeah, that’s practically how i’m going to live my life in this world, which is in my point of view, a giant calculator –…

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  • better together – jack johnson

    happy valentines folks! i have no date! yay! absolutely not expecting one. i’m content with recieving candies and greetings. =) today’s valentine season doesn’t seem that festive like the previous years. days ago i watched the loveapalooza on screen and when the countdown to one was done and everybody started kissing, my face turned into…

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  • take me somewhere else but here

    i want to go out somewhere, i just don’t know where and who to bring with me. well, i already have enough money to go mall strolling but something’s stopping me. the need to save money!!! sometimes i really hate my sister. (for the shallow reason of) she’s not washing the dishes anymore and i…

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