A very personal blog

  • vash stampede

    it’s a sunday, hooray! it’s our church’s 18th anniversary and all of us is celebrating. i presume we came in earlier than usual but we still ran out of chairs. it’s ok though, we didn’t end up standing anyway. we had a guest speaker today and i like him. he’s a former cheif of police…

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  • checking up on reviews

    i’m currently reading user reviews of creative muvo txfm (256 mb) mp3 player. i was thinking of buying it since it’s compact and handy. but mehn, i’m too confused. some reviewers say it easily dysfunctions after 4 months. some also say that it’s better than the ipod in terms of sound quality. ok, now what?…

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  • sidebar update!

    i just added ‘verse of the day’ right below my profile. hihi. love it. at least whenever i visit my site i’ll have something to ponder. i was actually thinking of just putting a ‘word of the day’ to enhance my vocabs but i thought i wouldn’t be too diligent with remembering it. a bible…

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  • everything becomes beautiful when you are doomed

    really now? okay, i won’t argue with the title because achilles said that. swwwoooooonnnnssss.i’m hopeless, i don’t think i could ever stop myself from biting my nails. apparently they’ve gone a deal shorter, again, due to my monster habit of biting them. so i’m a monster now, and monsters don’t usually explain themselves. so i’ll…

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  • what if you had a universal remote… that controlled your universe?

    i feel so blessed! i don’t know why, it’s not often that i feel extra happy during sundays especially when there are piles of stinking dishware to wash and a basketful of stinking laundry to clean. but then, i’m enjoying life. ever since i knew that i’m actually destined to face college life anytime soon.…

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  • two negatives equals positive

    allow me to hop around, jump around and skip around in joy because this has been one of the happiest days of my life ever since i’ve been receiving a lot of rejection notices from a lot of universities. yeeheeeeeeeyyyyy!yiiihhaaaaaaaa!!yaahaaahooooO!bibidibabidibbbboooooooyyaaaaaa!!!wooooooooowwwwwwwwwwiiiiiiiieeeeeee!!!yeheeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrzzzz!!!!yeyeyeyeyeyeayayayayayayayayayayayayayayay!!!!!!buwahahahahahahaahhaahaagagagagahahah!!!!!!!!yippeeeeeeyipeeeee!!!!! haaaaappppyyyyyyhaaappppppyyyjooooooooyyyy!!!!! jooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooyyyyy! whew! that’s one way of saying, “SA WAKAS MAY SCHOOL NA KOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!”indeed. i’ve…

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