A very personal blog

Category: Personal

  • Whatever happened to my supposed pic spam?

    ah these pictures were taken eons ago (exagge, 2 weeks ago tops haha) but i still wanted to share them with you! here’s how i would like to summarize my week from now on … assuming i’ll be religiously updating this weekly pic spam i decided to take on. bwaha Domino’s Pizza @ Fairview Terraces i…

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  • the nightshift struggle

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    this is so frkn hard. i was on midshift and dayshift the past 2 days respectively and now i’m on nightshift. what a way to go around three different schedules! i’m writing because i’ve been trying so frakking hard to keep myself awake. at this very moment, my eyes are drooping, my head hurts, and i’m…

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  • too much negativity


    i’m feeling so frkn depressed lately, for reasons which are definitely my fault. but maybe i’ll throw some parts to the weather just so i don’t get to carry all these (but it’s already sunny, so…), but really it’s majorly because i suck so much as a person. hay. -1 i was down with some…

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  • hey hey hey

    long time no personal post! it irks me that there are already five consecutive PR posts on the first page… like whaaaat?! wala na ba kong ma-share?! so let me break that a bit by updating you on what’s up with my life lately! after all,  this is still a very personal blog. not a…

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  • a day off to do freelance work

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    ah. i’m starting to think i’m better off as a freelancer than an employee! here’s why 1. i’m getting enough sleep. something you hardly get from a regular day job. i just read that sleep deprivation lowers the IQ. so if you’re struggling on a project that demands overtime work to be rendered in succession,…

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  • read, reading, watched, and coming soon

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    life and what’s up! Read The Lost Symbol before 2014 ended i was busy reading The Lost Symbol, caught yet again by Dan Brown’s gripping storytelling. I’ve decided to put him on top of my favorite authors list now, because every time i read his book my mind reels in suspense and as far as…

    Read more: read, reading, watched, and coming soon