A very personal blog

Category: Personal

  • 5 tricks casinos use to keep gamblers playing

    ever wondered what casinos do to keep their customers playing? Source if you’re familiar with Quora, i want you to know it’s one of my favorite sites right now. it’s information haven! ever since i joined the site, i’ve been getting daily digests of super interesting questions and answers that almost always pique my interest.…

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  • to the year that was! thank you 2014!

    i’m writing this in advance chunks (cos i never finish an entry in a single sitting, either i can’t find what to say, or i’m babbling too much i don’t know how to end) with the intention of publishing it on the first days month of 2015! sooooo… here are my 2014 highlights! for this list i scanned…

    Read more: to the year that was! thank you 2014!
  • what's up!

    here’s an update, i’ve just become officially terribly busy and i can’t be any happier. ANO RAW?! work well, it’s a default thing. it’s always busy at work, but lately i found myself not succumbing to it totally like a, uhhh, i dunno. maybe my load’s gotten lighter, that’s got to be it. or is…

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  • WWJD

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    awhile ago i was reminded of something i have come to take for granted recently and that is: first and foremost, i’m a Christian and that in everything i do, i should uphold my faith. i will avoid doing anything that would put my beliefs and values in an uncompromising situation, especially if it’s about…

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  • dejavu

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    i had a dream i was running late for some marathon that i think was sponsored by nike when i got a fit of rashes on my arms, much like what i had thursday last week (in real life*). i rushed back to the house to get some antihistamine, careful not to bump into my…

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  • life lately

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    haller! this post has been sitting on my drafts for toooo long, all my chikas are so outdated na. 🙁 anyway, here’s what’s up! i jogged 2k straight! would you believe it?! >8D i can’t believe it too! last saturday was our 2nd LSD (long slow distance) training and i was able to jog the…

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