A very personal blog

Category: Personal

  • 4 days to go

    before my christmas vacation officially starts… we just came back from the mall. actually, church first then mall. ^^;; we bought a lot of things. err… it’s my mom who bought a lot of things, in fact. as consolation for her not getting her MDRT award for this year. yeah, and when we talk about…

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  • adsense alert!

    i checked my google adsense report and it says i’ve earned $10.05 already! yehey. thanks for the clicks guys. but you see, i’m still confused with the payment system. i’m so stupid when i wrote my sister’s name on the payee field. i should’ve written my dad’s or mom’s. that way i won’t be bothered…

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  • sutek's tomb

    i’m starting to enjoy the agony of college life. which means i’m leaning on the masochistic side. hahaha. i don’t like torturing myself but at the same time, if i’m not feeling bad i won’t feel the presence of people who try to make my day feel better. dibaaaaa? i’m not talking about anyone in…

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  • friday i'm in love

    soundtripping at ‘primelink solutions’. what an odd name for an internet hub. i’m starting to like ‘the cure’. where do you find a public computer node with a LIMEWIRE? the best talaga primelink solutions. yak, endorser? hahaha. e wala. i love it here. everytime i sit here i becoming more determined to save for my…

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  • the hottest thing

    if i can afford it, i’d save for an Acer Ferrari Laptop. too lazy for a picture. just google it. it’s the hottest laptop ever. yeah, it’s not the newest but it’s the coolest i’ve ever seen (in a magazine – subject to change)! i love the sleek black plate with the Ferrari logo at…

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  • mr. brightside

    i went online yesterday just to relieve myself from depression. apparently, when i was already done with my blog entry, the connection became super slow and my system has gone bonkers. sad to say but i just have to leave it as it is. good thing i’ve already downloaded enough songs to refresh my mp3…

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