A very personal blog

Year: 2016

  • Supercaffeinated

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    Mondays are slowly becoming bearable in that it gives me another chance to restart my weight loss agenda after failing week after week, so yeah I feel quite hopeful. Here’s to wishing I don’t disappoint myself again. But to be honest, I don’t mind. Damn, I should learn to be hard on myself in this…

    Read more: Supercaffeinated
  • One day while applying for a student permit

    How to apply for a student permit at LTO East Ave. Last week since it’s swelday, I took the chance to finally enroll in a driving school while I still have the money lol. So on the way home, I inquired at one of the nearest driving schools to our house (Xcel) and readied the…

    Read more: One day while applying for a student permit
  • Giving juicing another chance


    Or the other way around cos it’s really me who doesn’t want to give up on losing weight the easy (but expensive) way. Last week I ordered a 3 day juice cleanse package from Pure Jus. And in fairness, it’s one of the best tasting blends I’ve ever tasted. Sly Diet still tops the list unless…

    Read more: Giving juicing another chance
  • Buffalo’s Wings N’ Things

    Hey! Long time no food post! I’ll get straight to the point, Buffalo’s Wings n Things serves the hottest sauce in the history of sauces. But that’s coming from someone who’ll run at the scent of Tabasco, so don’t take me seriously lol. My boyfriend, however, loves spicy foods and wanted to know if their…

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  • KDramarama


    In between watching my scripts run and obsessively refreshing the messages tab to check the errors, I heaved a sigh and figured life is only as interesting as I make it to be. In short, I’m bored and out of things to do to break the seemingly dragging routine that is my day to day…

    Read more: KDramarama
  • What’s on my desk?

    One of the Skillshare classes I’m taking is Kate Bingaman-Burt’s Drawing Collections: Illustrating Stories through Taxonomy. In her class we are to produce a collection of illustrations that tell a story about ourselves. We are to make two sets; this is the first I came up with just by watching the first couple of videos…

    Read more: What’s on my desk?