A very personal blog

  • walk on…[prom musings]

    great… i’m figuring out on how to walk with my prom shoes without tripping over the STAIRS. o.O i did a mistake for choosing an almost 3inches high stilletto [crap..how was that spelled?] i’m kinda walking it over so that i’d be used to the pain it gives while you walk through stairs, or even…

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    y’know, i’m not the only one who suffers that i-think-i-have-to-kill-myself thing whenever i get smacked by my dad or something… here it goes… jan. 6, 05 my dad just beat the crap out of me awhile ago. and duh! it hurts… but the weird thing is… when i ran upstairs and lock myself in the…

  • basketball 🙂

    i played nnman kanina… pero this time… i’m using the real basketball.. not the volleyball… haha… then.. while playing there was this little kid about 2yrs old… he was with his father and he’s following me!… o.O haha… he wants the ball… ok so i gave him the ball… haha.. ang kyut kyut nya… he…

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  • fair day #2 & 3

    shampre boring pren sepecially mornings and afternoons… day 2 SILVERED – tux concert plus hiphop hullabaloo finals… – this time i can say na less boring sha… maybe because i’m busy… coz we (meaning our club) are going to perform for an intermission number… which turned out to be a major disaster…yeah yeah… aside from…

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  • fair day #1

    it’s our school fair today… and to sum all the activities up… boring. yes.. it’s boring for average highschoolers like me…. why? dinophant. carousel. inflatabble. exciting? not even close. even the booths are for the graders’ pleasure only. i soo hate this day. the only thing i did was… sountripped- no comment read – oh…

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  • yesterday's should-be post

    LAST FEBRUARY 2, 2005 another day i would consider like HELL… PE… i am sooo disappointed because we never played softball… we don’t have a game yet, that is. and all i did is the warm up thingy… which, in a way is tiring but not as tiring and FUN compared to playing softball… i’m…

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