A very personal blog

  • college life!

    uhm.. it’s not my life… it’s my sister’s… we’ll be accompanying her to UP los banos later.. where her new university awaits… where a new life will be started.. partly without us.. aww.. no more naruto for her!i can see through her that she doesn’t want to give up watching the series, since things are…

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  • vanity kills

    women are naturally vain, and so am i, but i keep it in a discreet mode… —awhile ago i just burned my upper lip! wtf?! yeah… literally..-_-;; but you won’t see marks kasi naagapan kaagad! haha… right now i’m half-typing and half sticking the icebag on my lip.. hehe… kasi nman… i was looking at…

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  • let's all rest…

    school is so tiring… i didn’t expect our first week to be so stressful! i haven’t had any rest… i mean proper rest… our homeworks doesn’t require the whole night to be finished, but i don’t know what’s up with me… i can’t sleep early! insomnia? between 8-9pm, even if i force myself to sleep,…

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  • =)

    Your #1 Match: ISTJ The Duty Fulfiller You are responsible, reliable, and hardworking – you get the job done.You prefer productive hobbies, like woodworking or knittings.Quiet and serious, you are well prepared for whatever life hands you.Conservative and down-to-earth, you hardly ever do anything crazy. You would make a great business executive, accountant, or lawyer.…

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  • let the chaos begin…

    it literally means chaos to me whenever i enter another schoolyear, generally because of the crowd and the noise. i know everyone’s excited to meet their friends again, and i admit i’m one of them. but if you pile up all the thrill, we students can be compared to a horde of activists protesting for…

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  • one more sleep to go

    …and i’ll be entering the last season of my highschool saga… i’m not excited about it. especially when i learned my section wasn’t sandiwa nor bayanihan! (which proved me as a fraud foreteller). but i’m pretty happy about it, since i know i’ll be able to pull something off… haha plus!++++ the people that i…

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