A very personal blog

  • what is your drive?

    me?maramiiii!!!!currently i’m thinking (i said thinking) of writing a naruto fanfic… i have the plot na… bwahahaa… and it’s going to be on the R side… the M part… the X rating… y’know what i mean..i’m not a pervert… it’s just that no matter how hard he (the creator of naruto) tried not to put…

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  • keeping myself busy…

    is not a very hard thing to do especially when i’m studying and i’m serious with it!haha…. who gets a failing grade on a quiz after being serious with studying it?! i bet ako lang…-_-;;hehehe… tepai went to school again…and of course… pot sessions! (pot nga ba yun? not even sure of the term!)we’re reading…

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  • i didn't write what's partially down there…

    Some thoughts on blogging My younger daughter was curled up on my bed yesterday afternoon. I was half lying beside her with my arm thrown across her in a loose embrace. We were having one of our girl talks. Waistline, actually, and exercising. Somewhere in the long conversation that drifted from one topic to another,…

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  • minatamis na santol

    LoL.. i just know where my friends are right now… they’re in lauchu’s blowout in gateway! ehehe…onga pla..HAPPY BIRTHDAY LAURA! she didn’t invite me! =( anyway, even if she did i won’t be able to come.. too busy.. LoL.. hndi nman ako galit…^^;; —you know what… naruto’s getting into my nerves.. in a not-so-bad way……

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  • new layout!

    hehe… this is the 8th version of melodic bloggage… what’s new? everything’s new! except for the colors… you know, i really fancy red-black-white… hehe so… it’s friday once again! supposed-to-be rest day but i have a lot of things to do so i probably won’t be able to pamper myself that much…-_-;; oh, my sister…

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  • wishlist update!

    wow! i’m slashing two items off my wishlist…Playing in the Fields – Barbie’s CradleStill not Getting Any – Simple Plan yay!thankyouthankyou NEZ! =) oh.. i’m extremely busy but laziness always gets the best of me and you know what i do when i’m bored or when queen lazy pig snorts… i blog. a lot of…

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