A very personal blog

Category: Personal

  • think about PROM

    now that i’m of LEGAL LEVEL to enter this most awaited fairy-tale like (was it? or am i just exaggerating?) event… i couldn’t just waste it like a piece of crumpled paper thrown in a trash can… so what i did was… on a paper are three columns, class number, w/ date and w/o date……

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  • my butt hurts..

    -_-.. ouch.. it reaLLY Does.. kasi i rode a bike awhile ago.. ung 2 wheels! imagine… and i asked tita jasmin to teaCH me how to ride it.. haha… ang sakit sa **** and sa pwet.. hiehhheee… haayy tapos nun nag paLIT PA kame ni terai ng bike so.. 3 wheel na ung dala ko!…

    Read more: my butt hurts..
  • unfair…

    grr… my mom promised to bring us to qcm circle today and he moved it later afternoon kasi raw kasama ung mga agents nila! sobrang unfair! this day’s supposed to be FAMILY DAY! grrr…sisikip nnman kami sa car.. lagi na lng cla ang nauuna sa parents ko! 5 days a week… cila ang kasama.. pati…

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  • good morning friends….

    haay… such a tiring week… tapos next wk… intrams na… i have to get ready… our team shirt was distributed yesterday.. and it’s not of the average size!!! grr… i got a medium and its big.. really big.. pero ok lng.. nung sinukat ko.. mejo big nga pro ok lng.. ehehe at least di tulad…

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  • SHS vs MC

    in an shsian’s point of view… the statement would normally be ‘of course it’s SHS’ and vice versa… the point is, i am an shsian and of all the matter of facts.. i obviously want our school to win… but what happens is… all things are going quite lopsided. -_- i sooo hate number 19!…

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  • turning on your traffic

    it’s a good way to promote your blog by turning on some traffic contributors in your blog settings. this actually works well, especially if you want your stats go higher and increase the number of visitors in your blog… here are some tips – try to ‘ping weblogs’ so that every time you update, you’ll…

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