A very personal blog

simpler life

it’s been a couple of days since i last updated.. oh well… nothing MUCH happened really… during our helluva LONG supposed-to-be-sembreak, our whole family went to bicol to visit my lola..mamay! and also to visit na rin may lolo’s puntod. it was really fun! i got a ‘jet lag’ haha… or was it a ‘car lag’… my butt hurts… from manila to bicol is 12 hours… plus 2 hours because of traffic in san pablo, laguna.. which means… i travelled for over a day!!! whattatrip! pero it’s worth it naman… i saw mount mayon agen.. and took a picture… kaso phone ko lng gmt ko coz we forgot to buy a film..-_- haayy… i still adore that national wonder despite it’s imperfections due to it’s last eruption…-__-

and then, we played badminton, went to tabaco for pasalubongs, tapos i bought a ponytail for 10 bucks! ang cute nga eh.. ung parang worms.. teeheee…the best part…

i ate DJC halohalo!!! i wish i could share all the travel captures but unfortunately for me, i’m still working out on how to make the cellphone program work with xp coz it’s not compatible with the OS… darn noh!! darn!!!grr..

so far.. so good.^_^

haayyy… i love my mamay… when she knew na we’ll pay a visit to bicol, she took a bath for over an hour and cleaned the house! tats naman kame!!^__^

tpos… we visited some of our relatives in libjo! i enjoyed it sooo much kase dame food! and puro kakanin, i ate bico, ube, inangit… basta puro malagkit rice! tapos i saw a kitten hiding between the rice sacks!! soooppperrr cute.. haha… i took it’s picture!!! tapos nagtatago sha… natatakot… cutteee!!

then.. we moved on to another house… there naman we ate fish kusido.. sarap! tapos may gata sa manok… supperrr yummy!! tapos kung sa kabila may kitten, dito may puppy!! shocking cute… his mother is color white with brown… sha naman black and white!!! 1 week old palang!! tapos ang tba… para shang baby cow! ung moo moo cow!! supper cute.. di pa madilat ng mashado ung mata tapos wala pang teeth!! haaayyy… i sooo love pups and kittens.. kaso yaw ko mag-alaga.. hehe

edi yun… the night before we left… we went to the cemetery… LoL.. malas ba kung makatulog ka sa ibabaw ng nitso? ako kasi eh… hehe.. lola ko naman un eh.. hehe…^_^;; haayyy… so much for the long weekend.


during our stay in bicol, i already knew that we’re going to live a simpler life, life without working fosets, life without roofed bathrooms, life without maids… in short… simpler life nga eh!

when we take a bath, we would get our own pails then magbobomba kami ng tubig sa labas… good thing is, sa loob naman ako naligo, di sa labas tulad dati.. LoL… parang marimar bathroom.. haha.. i miss those ‘bomba’ times.. kasi dati may pump kami ng tubig eh.. ngaun.. wala na!

haaayyy… ang saya sa bicol… maraming stars!!! malamig ang simoy ng hangin!!! aliw.