A very personal blog

Category: Personal

  • pray for me!

    tomorrow i’ll be taking the UPCAT… my schedule is 12:30 at Palma Hall, it’s not like i want you to stalk me! hehe… i just want you to include me in your prayers… i mean, i’m not dead… you know what i want. =) please pray for me coz i know that’s the best you…

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  • how bout… study for the entrance tests?

    i’m so bad… i have not taken any serious self-review with regards to the CATs! i’m so… well… lazy! but you know… i stayed up this late to help finish our project, which is, FYI a cd-format website due tomorrow. cool, huh? well… tiresome, yes.it’s ten… i’m not sleepy! maybe because i drank a mocha…

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  • bored

    i think i’m bored… or am i just too lazy to do things?if i’m bored then that means i have nothing to do and i want to do something… but in this case i have a lot of things to do but i’m not doing them which leaves me with nothing to do and yes…

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  • dreams…

    thank God it’s Friday…you know what, i have 2 dreams to shareone is good…the other bad… the bad one first… i forgot to pray last night so maybe that’s the reason why i had a creepy dream.i was with my family.. blahblahblah… and we’re situated near a lake or something… we’re in a mountain… in…

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  • finally…

    ateneo essay done, indian song done!yey! but still, i can’t promise myself a stress free week, and month! since we have to focus on the entrance tests…-_-;; but anyway, i’m just glad that things are finally over!we didn’t win the song competition but i got over that fast because our class won the over-all winner…

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  • what to write! what to write?!!!

    i’m getting a little hysteric around here… asking people, “sa tingin mo anong nakapagbago saken?” and stuff like “ikaw, anong nakapag change ng life mo?” hoping that i’ll get a potential (when i write that, i’m actually thinking of making up another lie..tsk) answer but no!tss… that significant thing that change my life… as in…

    Read more: what to write! what to write?!!!