A very personal blog

Category: Personal

  • wotcher!

    Harry Potter fan in JAIL Keep an eye on your credit cards – there is a traitor among us! The News and Observer reports that a Harry Potter fan was jailed Monday for using a stolen credit card to buy more than $200 worth of Harry Potter books, including two copies of the newly released…

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  • good morning starshine… the earth says hello!

    finally. watched charlie and the chocolate factory yesterday. it was nice… willy wonka’s a total freak. no that’s not an insult.it was funny, that’s all. i don’t want to comment a lot about it since there are already gazzilions of comments out there and mine won’t sound good enough to pass for a critic anyway.…

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  • exam week is over!

    but that doesn’t end my stressful year…-_-;;we’re supposed to be on a holiday tomorrow but we were called for a practice in granwood club house, whole day!sigh… the demands of 4th year… hahagrr… i’m having problems with the contractible headers script… it looks like what i said about me being satisfied with this layout is…

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  • the bitch

    ugghh.. guess who? what a day spoiler… -_-;; chris columbus earned over $10 million directing HP while mike newell earned ONLY $1 million as director of HP GoF… wotcher!

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  • new layout!

    yay! at last i managed to produce something productive this day. the truth is i prioritised finishing this layout over studying for the tests tomorrow, which is not a good example to kids out there… it’s blue as you can see and so far i’m satisfied. i made it blue coz i really like the…

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  • still no phone line!!!!

    it’s been more than a week since we last had our telephones working. actually i don’t care about incoming and outcoming calls… i care about the internet connection… how sad… =( but anyway… if there’s a will then there’s a way… oh lemme change that… if there’s a crave then there’s a way! haha adictus.whew.…

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