A very personal blog

Category: Personal

  • DIY ok?

    one of things i learned about life is that it teaches you to become more and more tolerable to pain. life taught me not to cry for a long time because the more i cry the more i can’t concentrate on the solution. crying is a way of bringing out your emotions but it is…

    Read more: DIY ok?
  • yeah shane

    i’m so into shane mccrutcheon right now. we just had our last recollection yesterday. it was really fun, it’s not mushy (just like how i want it to be) and both of my parents came. it made me feel extra blessed! i love them.i love my classmates. i’m going to miss pamayanan. as i’ve told…

    Read more: yeah shane
  • le odio

    you should know that. you’re getting a little too authorative now, y lo odio. i’m not bragging about it, you’re changed now. whatever, just do it your way. oh, and don’t do guilt trips on us, it will only work for those who can’t work without you. you’re annoying.maybe it looked obvious that i’m upset.…

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  • we had our last prosec fieldtrip awhile ago. i wasn’t excited about anything but starbucks. i am not enthused with the calorie-burning activites we had, in fact i was tortured in fitness first. i am bearing all the pain in my knee as we do the body balancing exercises. well at least i wasn’t in…

    Read more: untitled post 2696
  • traduccion terrible

    ugh. what a terrible translation. i was having fun with the google language toolbar awhile ago… in case you’re wondering where i got my pretty fluent (yet wrongly translated) spanish, it came from, yeah, the google language toolbar. i was rejoicing about pacman’s win against morales! this language toolbar turned me off when i suddenly…

    Read more: traduccion terrible
  • el terible perdido

    ¡morales perdidas al pacquiao! ¡esto es realmente grande! ¡alrededor de 10 era magnífico, pacman podía golpear morales hacia fuera! ¡amo este día! no puedo explicar esta sensación abrumadora que me sentía cuando oí (mientras que lava los platos) a través de la radio que pacman ganado fui apresuradamente arriba a mirar el simulcast pero el…

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