A very personal blog

Category: Personal

  • sometimes it takes much more strength to LET GO than to HOLD ON

    thank you peyups forums. that’s the best quote i’ve received this day so far. it could directly counter attack the quote i’ve been living with for so long (ever since i entered an org): my brod once wrote in my tickler,“when you start thinking of quitting, think of the reasons why you’ve been holding on…

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  • this is bad…. indeed

    i didn’t attend my physics lecture class awhile ago because i thought there will be no classes. i texted a classmate before rising from my bed and she replied, ‘no. walang pasok’, so i went back to sleep. it’s too late when i received a text message from another classmate who says, ‘may pasok’. haynaku,…

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  • ♠ jasper test ♠

    click to see full size. 🙂anyhow, it’s just a career chorva test.i knew it, i’ve always been a visionary. which makes MY LIFE RIGHT NOW really dull because the field i am desperately trying to fit myself in isn’t visionary in the least sense. this, you know, life… is not for me. people in our…

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  • like crazy, man!

    i am so fucking tired. i had two exams this day, math36 and physics3 and fuck, i spent a total of 4 hours answering blasted problems and punching my calculator like crazy! btw, i’m in netopia right now… just for the heck of it. ok, so back to this day shall we? okiedokie. i’m quite…

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  • T_____T;;

    as usual, i skrewed up during the test awhile ago. man, they should’ve told us to memorize the whole fucking schematic diagram! he, i’m not blaming anyone. 🙂 even if they told us, i would just stare at the stupid handout anyway. i.never.study.like, reaaaallly study. but i’m trying! but then again, my efforts are kinda…

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  • tamad!

    i’ll miss my lts1 classmates. it’s the best class i’ve had this sem, so far. even though i’ve already reached the maximum absences i could have, and i’m always lazy to come to class because of the time, it’s still good. and it’s because of the laughter it brings. it’s like a relief subject, you…

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