A very personal blog

Category: Personal

  • everything worth waiting is worth having

    but sometimes, it’s also worth leaving. people say, whenever you think of giving up, think of the reason/s why you’re still holding on. then again, that’s only one side of the coin, why not also think of the reason/s why you thought of giving up? surely, it’s big enough to consider since it was able…

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  • >8D

    bwahahaha! headache still isn’t gone but i’m very very happy because of 2 things! (then later on i’ll tell you the sad bits) #1) i was depressed the whole night yesterday because i couldn’t find my drawing notebook in my bag. that notebook contains 4 of my most precious artworks, 2 of which are unscanned…

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  • there is so much i wish you knew but i will never tell you

    // something i hate about myself… i hardly make things happen. so i’m not the right person to talk to if you want something planned out like an outing or any event. i’m too lazy for that. and unless i’m working on a deadline of for money, i keep on forgetting things. // favors are…

    Read more: there is so much i wish you knew but i will never tell you
  • sister on call

    the moment i read her text message i knew something was wrong, so i called her immediately and wasn’t surprised to hear her crying on the other line. for a minute i told her to hush and wait for me at the gym. i rushed, yes, but i wasn’t worried because i knew her problem…

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  • hehe

    bwahaha! i was able to raise my midterm grade from 87.something to 90 because i searched my exam for corrections awhile ago. as in, i personally came to him to inquire about my code simply because i think there were no errors and that it deserved a perfect score. he gave me +10, still 10…

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  • @_@

    while waiting for 1pm … i don’t know how i ended up sick, but i’m sick anyways and it frakking sucks… and to add up to the mounting reasons for depression i’m having today, i got a really low midterm grade at 4GL. 87.something. yes, that’s a biggie. especially if i’m struggling for scholarship. what…

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