A very personal blog

Category: Personal

  • sleepless night ahead!

    haha i feel so awake! pearl milk teaaaaa ♥ ♥ ♥i’m finishing our term paper in filipino. after that, i’ll do english (hopefully). so that tomorrow and the entire week will be dedicated to that frakking VB6 project. i wanna get over this term already and get my hair done like the one i posted…

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  • hey hey short heyurr

    HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEONARD!!! i remember how we used to talk about random stuff when sir gupa isn’t around for speechcom1. thank you for being such a good and supportive friend. thank you for bearing with me when we review chemistry together. you’re a big big part of my LB life. tagay on your 21st!…

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  • this is so uncool

    5 pages in FILIPINO made my nose frakking bleeeeed.  i just finished 3 chapters of our term paper in Filipino. wtf, such a hassle. i’m sleeeeeeepy. btw. does it happen to you? that your dreams come true? literally! there are a lot of times when something happens and it feels too familiar like a dejavu,…

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  • $$______$$

    forgive me, for i am going to sound like Rebecca Bloomwood right under the cut. >:(i stepped out of the coffee shop pretty pleased with myself after downloading 3 OSTs of Bleach, getting lots of sources for my two term papers, and overdosing on caffeine and cookies! then you know, i came down and checked…

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  • can't hear ya!

    too much water in my head. @_@ awhile was great! too many kiddos! i remember i wanted to become a sunday school teacher but yadda, yadda, yadda, didn’t happen obviously.  anyway, summer plans? nothing! GYM. driving school for sure?. or some cheap house party with BTS, plus whoever calls. not really up for expensive trips…

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  • nyarghruhjaghfdaiuhajasdfg!

    bakit parang may alam kang hindi ko alam? bakit? anong alam mo? anong sinabi nya sayo? i’m letting go because i don’t think i can trust him. i’ve cried enough! STAPET. i don’t even talk about it anymore, but people keep bringing it up. chaka na yan, pwede? >:))))))

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