A very personal blog

Category: Personal

  • nice?

    finally got an interview schedule at convergys. hello call center… O_O whew. quite scary really. first real job interview. !_! anyway, i was wondering if they’ll allow part time contractual employees. SA pay is too small, and i wanna get serious with helping with the household bills. (yeah, and like buy a new cellphone, a…

    Read more: nice?
  • the horrrorrrrrr! T___T;

    what i want to do now is watch dvd and eat ice cream. my hair fucking sucks. why?you see, i had it cut short and it was so coooool right when i stepped out of bench fix. i washed it at home and when it dried, it was all messy and wavy and i just…

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  • fixed

    got my hair done at bench fix trinoma. i like it… yeaaaah but i know it’s only cool now cos it’s blow-dried. i’m naturally wavy daw kasi so my hair has every tendency to fly away when cut short like… now. hehehehehehe ok. webdev3 mode. theeeeeen… relaaaaax. >:D

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  • right. what’s the point in declaring a hiatus? just get lost, and come back whenever you like. people hardly notice. // btw. i still feel bad. everytime i think of it. i feel betrayed. hahaha serious much? i realized it’s no good sharing to people friends how happy you are. next time you know, your…

    Read more: untitled post 1588
  • bwiset

    nakakainis naman. bakit ako lang ang mukang tanga?!pasalamat kayo nakakangiti pa ko ngayon dahil sa kanya, kundi badtrip na ko senyo habang buhay.

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  • coffeeeee crumbleeee!!!!

    came to class looking drugged because i haven’t slept since last night! just came to pass the project then i went home na agad to sleeeeeep! yey! i was supposed to get a haircut today kaso ayoko pa pala bwahaha.  bonded with saycee and chamel this afternoon till night! mega foodtrip! chicken, ice cream, spag,…

    Read more: coffeeeee crumbleeee!!!!