A very personal blog

Author: Yan

  • Of codes and stale coffee

    I’m trying to see if Blogger has any form of default code formatting. <script type=’text/javascript’> var obj0=document.getElementById(&quot;adsmiddle1<data:post.id/>&quot;); var obj1=document.getElementById(&quot;adsmiddle2<data:post.id/>&quot;); var s=obj1.innerHTML; var r=s.search(/x3C!– adsense –x3E/igm); if(r&gt;0) {obj0.innerHTML=s.substr(0,r);obj1.innerHTML=s.substr(r+16);} </script> Ooooh, looks like the code needs to be parsed and enclosed in <pre> and <code> tags so they could be displayed properly. This was helpful. Yeyy I can…

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  • The Sunday Currently (vol. 23)


    Long time no Sunday Currently, so here you go hehe Currently Reading Nothing. I wonder if I really liked to read in the first place. I’m never the voracious reader, who could read almost any type of material and has a huge vocabulary. I get easily bored if I don’t like the style. Anyway, God…

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  • Yet another layout change

    Jenen! I’m not taking credit for the design cos it was taken entirely from this theme and applied to the original backbone of this layout which is this theme. I already finished layouting my test blog but found that there are some features that I may lose out if I overwrite the existing theme with…

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  • To change or not to

    I’m in the middle of editing my test blog for a possible layout change. Ever since I decided to not care about being a professional blogger, my sidebar has been drastically decluttered, so I’m thinking maybe it’s time to try out a single column blog! Yas! Edit: My footer is still cluttered haha You see,…

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  • A quick revamp

    Jenen! I didn’t really think when I decided to change my layout design, it just sort of happened haha. I don’t know why but I easily get bored with my theme, kaka-visit ko siguro LOL. Anyway, I decided to change a couple of things here and there after browsing tumblr themes and finding this: http://rainier-theme.tumblr.com/ I…

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  • Xcel*

    Driving lessons finally over! I’m excited to get a license and finally hit the road. Kidding. I’m scared. Really scared, but I’m also very excited. I was looking forward to my lessons cos then I can finally validate all the driving knowledge I had kept in my brain while observing my dad do his usual…

    Read more: Xcel*