A very personal blog

Author: Yan

  • questioning my religious upbringing

    i don’t know if i’ll still end up in heaven someday… that’s my ultimate dream you know!i’ve been a mega sinner.because of that my parents called for a bible study in our prayer sanctuary that i rarely visit… because it’s way on the top floor and i’m lazy.what’s wrong with me? i always pray at…

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  • a quickie post before frog prince

    start of sembreak!i’m not happy since i have a lot of shitloads to deal with, count the projects in… haay i wanna have my coffee treat already… =(oh yeah, sooner or later i’m gonna slash one item off my wishlist again!speak – lurie halse andersoni’m currently reading it… i borrowed the book from adrii would…

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  • grade booster huh?

    ok, i hope it’s not too late to share this but i find (found???) it really helpful. =) El Fili Study Notesoh well, look at me. i’m 9 years out of gradeschool and i always thought…lOl nevermind the math test was manageable, i’m expecting a high grade in my test because my quizzes are dragged…

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  • frog prince mania

    here is the link for my previous layouts. melodia04@blogskins i decided to make an archive of them in blogskins for other people to use… =) i’ll continue doing layouts for as long as i have the skill and the desire to do so… =) you can use some of them if you like.i haven’t uploaded…

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  • inhale… exhale

    a lot of schools started their sembreaks weeks before and look at us poor shsians, we still have to go through the agonizing labors (exaggerating) of studying! what is so wrong with our school that we have to spend only 1 week break? and 4 of those days will be used for project making!!! that…

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  • history of melodia

    most of my usernames are under the netnick melodia04. hihi wala wala, i just want to explain. =) here’s the reason, there is this anime character i really really like, his name is Musica and he belongs to the Rave series. Simply put, Musica’s sweetheart is Melodia and so i became melodia! you see? if…

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