A very personal blog

Author: Yan

  • he's yours, all yours. and now i'm bored

    honestly,ayoko ng may ka-agaw. lalo na if it’s something i value a lot. i am naturally possesive but i don’t usually show it. years of inexperience made it a dormant quality in me. now, if it concerns a guy and the tug-o-war is beetween me and a special friend, i’ll let go of the rope.…

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  • oh, so it works?

    i don’t know, should i take glutaphos again? i have three exams this week! hehehe. i remember the last time i took it, nothing happened (at least that’s how i perceived it). i guess it’s psychological. when people feed you with the fact that it’s a super effective memory enhancer and brain booster, whenever you…

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  • do i really belong here?

    leonard has been a great factor on why i’m thinking a LOT about SHIFTING. when he first mentioned to me that he’s planning on shifting to BS Chemistry or Biology… i was like, “NOOOOOOOOOOOO!” (uhh not exactly but you should get it. duh) and i was insisting on the ‘fact’ that our course sounds ‘cool’…

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  • entry #746

    can’t think of a good enough title. >_>;our chem40 lab instructor dismissed us early and i was left with a generous amount of idle time so to waste them off, i decided to go with my friends to their next class… bio3. hehehe in short, naki-sit-in ako… or more like sleep-in. bwahahaha. and their section…

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  • nothing drives me T__T;

    our physics3 lecture exam was (yet again) moved! yaaay!!! on the dull side though, the lab exam pushed through, without me getting even a bit of study. fuck. how can i be so negligent of my academic standing?? i’ve never been this irresponsible before! i bet i will flunk all of my 1st exams. and…

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  • slovak: nezmyzel

    i believe i still have to fill up a lot of empty gaps i left hanging for the last 3 weeks. you know, it was both fun and exhausting. i experienced a lot of things, learned a lot of values and cleared a lot of misconceptions about life. but it doesn’t end there… actually, it’s…

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