A very personal blog

Category: Personal

  • The Sunday Currently (vol. 23)


    Long time no Sunday Currently, so here you go hehe Currently Reading Nothing. I wonder if I really liked to read in the first place. I’m never the voracious reader, who could read almost any type of material and has a huge vocabulary. I get easily bored if I don’t like the style. Anyway, God…

    Read more: The Sunday Currently (vol. 23)
  • To change or not to

    I’m in the middle of editing my test blog for a possible layout change. Ever since I decided to not care about being a professional blogger, my sidebar has been drastically decluttered, so I’m thinking maybe it’s time to try out a single column blog! Yas! Edit: My footer is still cluttered haha You see,…

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  • Xcel*

    Driving lessons finally over! I’m excited to get a license and finally hit the road. Kidding. I’m scared. Really scared, but I’m also very excited. I was looking forward to my lessons cos then I can finally validate all the driving knowledge I had kept in my brain while observing my dad do his usual…

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  • One day while applying for a student permit

    How to apply for a student permit at LTO East Ave. Last week since it’s swelday, I took the chance to finally enroll in a driving school while I still have the money lol. So on the way home, I inquired at one of the nearest driving schools to our house (Xcel) and readied the…

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  • KDramarama


    In between watching my scripts run and obsessively refreshing the messages tab to check the errors, I heaved a sigh and figured life is only as interesting as I make it to be. In short, I’m bored and out of things to do to break the seemingly dragging routine that is my day to day…

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  • Virtual users

    Ten minutes to go before we resume training. But this time, I’m not the one being trained. I’m posing as an understudy so I can take on tomorrow’s class. Amazing. I never thought this day would come, not that I dream of it, that my role in the team is stepping up to not just…

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