A very personal blog

Category: Personal

  • merry christmas everyone!

    well.. hohoho!i can’t say i hated this day but so far this is not YET the best christmas i’ve lived upon. i never recieved a single gift from any of my (missing) godparents, how i wish.you know what, i wish i had the power to chose who my godparents will be (a power i visualize…

    Read more: merry christmas everyone!
  • retro divas?

    i know, it’s a little too common. not too much creativity poured in the title but heck i like the header image!😀i edited their hair to make it look more retro…does it look like it? i forgot to put the bling blings… actually i forgot a lot of things like changing their dresses… but i…

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  • mehn.

    a club penguin moderator BANNED me for typing (and it says there that i actually SAID it? stupid) ‘fuck!’. funny, how they think club penguin has full of innocent children who’re required to have a ‘parent’s permission’ to become members of the club. funny, how they have to pay a minimum of $6 dollars just…

    Read more: mehn.
  • an interview with myself

    just like all the others who have claimed to have a split personality (severe case: schizophrenia (i wonder if i got the spelling right)), i am also fond of talking to myself… sounds crazy?hah! admit it! you’re just like me! okok. how’s melodia?– pretty stupid for a first question. so, how does it feel claiming…

    Read more: an interview with myself
  • "it's not just a bag, it's Prada" – white chicks

    arrgghhh… i am sooo in need of more cash! i spent my last bucks on foooooddd!i hate myself when my sister invites me to go malling, it’s like i am not in the right position to refuse. my feminine hormones are soo mallsick. i was saving my money for something important but i guess the…

    Read more: "it's not just a bag, it's Prada" – white chicks
  • the child in me

    weee… i dicovered another game site!you see, i’ve been playing in neopets for more than a year now and my money has grown quite big but i still feed my pet free omelettes from the tyrranian plataeu and since i’m too lazy to visit the said place every day… my pet’s status is “dying”… haha……

    Read more: the child in me