A very personal blog

Category: Personal

  • romance novel idea #349

    a random number which implies that i’ve been through tons of novel ideas but never really got the chance to write them down or even complete the story in my mind… so here, i’m going to write down my most recent romance novel idea… one day -that’s when i get my own laptop, a sponsor…

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  • coffee prince again… ♥

    i’m watching coffee prince streaming media at mysoju right now… i sorta grabbed the chance to watch it here in los banos because you know how fucked up the internet connection is at our place… 🙂 anyhow… i’m only 2 episodes ahead… huhuhu. i can’t wait to watch the whole thing!!! bwahahaha… seriously, i sooo…

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  • waiting for streaming media to download T_T

    i’m back in los banos! quite a nice day i guess… i got here at 930am and decided not to attent my first class at 10, which is history2. the primary reason would be because i didn’t read her assigned reading and i have this feeling that of all my classmates, i am the one…

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  • 07 confessions

    (X) stayed single for the whole year.( ) got your first kiss( ) kissed someone new( ) made-out for the first time( ) made-out inside a car( ) kissed in the snow( ) celebrated Halloween( ) kissed in the rain( ) fell in love(X) had your heart broken( ) broke someone else’s heart( ) had…

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  • a happy new year to everyone!

    yeah it’ll be 2008 in exactly 4 hours. honestly, i think time flew by so fast. i could still clearly recall what happened last new year’s eve. per usual i spent it with my family, here in our house, at the rooftop… without any fireworks whatsoever… it has been a tradition for us not to…

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  • Fuego!

    it’s Rizal day!but more importantly (yeah, i guess so because i don’t really have that much patriotism in me to go on a pilgrimage this day) it’s my wuvies Martha and Carla’s Birthday!!! yeah beybeh! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MATHA AND CARLA!!!!! ♥ oh, i’m so sorry for putting our national hero aside but we don’t usually…

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