A very personal blog

Category: Dreams

  • The Sunday Currently (vol. 12)

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    I’m wearing glasses soon! I was advised during our annual physical exam that I should get corrective lenses. I usually nail reading the eye chart up to line 8, mainly because I could already see the sequence beforehand and therefore memorize it. But this time I got caught when asked to read it backwards! HAHAHA…

    Read more: The Sunday Currently (vol. 12)
  • dejavu

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    i had a dream i was running late for some marathon that i think was sponsored by nike when i got a fit of rashes on my arms, much like what i had thursday last week (in real life*). i rushed back to the house to get some antihistamine, careful not to bump into my…

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  • a dream is a wish your heart makes

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    i just had one of my most vivid dreams ever. here it goes: //start dream i was in the office and ms. sheela, one of our bootcamp trainers, approached me to talk to me in private. i was already apprehensive of the news. i knew they were gonna fire me so i asked her politely…

    Read more: a dream is a wish your heart makes
  • a dream in bullets

    – mela dancing like crazy doing her 18th birthday video– tall blonde guy in pink pants chasing me (us?)– ate a muffin, saw that it has strands of hair, complained to the owner but he just shrugged– owner happened to be sweeney todd. urhgk

    Read more: a dream in bullets
  • panaginip!

    in fairness naka-alala ako ng panaginip! kanina lang to eh, i dreamt about someone i know (sa office yata). sa panaginip ko, kasama ko sya somewhere, shopping ata not sure then while walking he kissed me on my left cheek! hindi ko tinanong kung bakit pero gusto kong tanungin na, “pre, yung totoo, may gusto…

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  • nanaginip ako! at naalala ko!!

    one of the rare ocassions that i actually remember my dreams when i woke up! these are just fragments though… // i was in some sort of exhibit and there were 2 cockroaches at sight. i was with a friend but i can’t remember who basta when the cockroaches were ready to attack, i screamed his…

    Read more: nanaginip ako! at naalala ko!!