A very personal blog

Category: Books

  • halfway through The Fault in our Stars by John Green

    i’m halfway! i’m halfway! this is probably the farthest i’ve gone reading ever since i started working, and that’s almost a year ago already (btw, i’m nearing my 1st year anniv as a working girl!). i’m even afraid to share it too early cos i feel like this blog curses my reading sessions whenever i…

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  • 50 shades of what?

    i was curious about this whole grey thing so i decided to download the trilogy as ebook. oha. that’s probably my last confident download because of that bullshiz of a cybercrime law. then again, with a self-serving law like that which only protects its proponents, i believe they wouldn’t care about small bloggers like me.…

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  • Paulo Coelho the Complete Collection FINALLY!!!! >8D

    i’m broke, so what the hell. when i got home i felt pretty bad that i swept off a large amount of money for this. so i logged on to ebay to list the bookset. LOL i’m selling it!!! since i got it on 10% discount i could sell it for less than the original…

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  • books online!

    the book i ordered on ebay finally arrived! it’s a second hand copy of All American Girl by Meg Cabot. it’s a favorite one of mine, and is the first ever book i read in a single sitting. been wanting to have my own copy hehe.i’m totally getting the hang of buying books online, they’re…

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  • wrong about Flipped (spoiler alert)


    at first it didn’t quite interest me, but when i came reading towards the end, the seemingly shallow pseudo-love affair between bryce and juli became totally engaging because of uhm, the conflicts with their families. i thought it was all about how juli pursued bryce with all the positive energy in the world and even…

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  • blow me away

    chick lit still owns me, after all. it’s the only genre i could finish reading in a single sitting. actually i’ve just finished reading Confessions of a Shopaholic (ebook) and i liked it! well, writers of this genre have the same style, which makes it easier for us readers to just grab a book by…

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