A very personal blog

Author: Yan

  • therapy!

    we went to the ortho yesterday for a follow-up check-up regarding the results of my MRI test. he recommends therapy so we’re going back to the hospital today for the scheduling. during the consulting, he explained a lot of things to me like where is the lateral meniscus, what is intrasubstance degenaration, and what exactly…

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  • prince

    i’m in love with prince! the prince brand i mean, prince tennis racquets, prince caps, prince duffel bags … neither of which i own.now i envy my sister, today is the first day of her milo tennis clinic. and wait… they have new rackets! PRINCE RAQUETS! what the hell? why don’t i get to have…

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  • professional help needed – if unavailable – a fairy godmother will do

    mehn! i’ve wasted a lot of my internet time downloading programs that will help me with my video converting problems… grrluckily i found one that works just well but it converts only the first 30 seconds and my files are what? 5 mins. long! pangeeeettttt yay! terai will buy me new earphones! about this day,nothing…

    Read more: professional help needed – if unavailable – a fairy godmother will do
  • occupation: labandera

    i want to do a lot of things today! the insanity bell rings only when i’m idle and i can’t bear to be insane for the whole summer.you see, right now my college life is a big blur. first of all, i don’t know which university to go to. it’s not because i have a…

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  • magnetic resonance ____?

    i forgot what MRI means… maybe the I is for imaging… i’m not sure.you may have not forgotten about my knee pain yet since i always, always mention it like it’s already part of this blog… we went to an ortho last last week and he had me MRI-ed. it’s like an x-ray but it…

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  • good news!

    good news! my handheld is now working! yay! after months of looking for an electronics repair shop that will accept my palm (which has hard-to-find spare parts), we finally found one which is just 5 minutes away from home. = i know it’ll give them (and me too) a hard time to look for tungsten…

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