A very personal blog

Author: Yan

  • death gods eat apples

    first it started out as a zit. a common teenager problem. then i scratch it. it bleeds. problem is, it’s on my nose. now it looks like a scar. a small dark dot on my nose that threatens to blow up my image. whaaat? i’m so pathetic. you know why? ever since i grew my…

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  • i think it's time…

    for me to join an organization. hehehe… actually i’ve already passed my application to AChEs (alliance of chem. eng’g students)… weird name huh? but it’s pronounced ey-ches… like HS. hehehe, it’s a new org… just 1 year old! and even though i’m hearing bad rumours about their pioneer members being quitters of various science orgs,…

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  • i have much to learn

    good news: i was really angry about broadband days ago but now we’re okay. i said sorry to the modem (literally) and we reconciliated. now he’s running at 100mbps — according to the LAN properties — which is really fast, but i still can’t figure out how it is being distributed to the browser windows…

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  • live junk for the bitter soul

    hello everyone, i’m using broadband internet access and it sucks. yeah, i was right when i said dial-up is still the best. the problem is we couldn’t get a good signal in the basement (duh) and that’s practically where our computers live so to get a good reach of that f*cking globelines network we have…

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  • transformers!

    it was really unexpected. our parents fetched me and my sister at megamall and from there decided to watch a movie. we watched transformers. actually, i’m not really hyped up on watching it since robots barely have a hormonal effect on me or on any of my nerves but still, we decided to watch it…

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  • you're my sweetest downfall

    i happen to hear that phrase somewhere and i happen to like it. i really like that phrase, maybe it’s from a song… i’m not sure but i just love the irony. it makes me want to turn it into a novel title! title lang! hahaha wuhoo! how was this day? uhh, fine! tiring! tiring!…

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