A very personal blog

Author: Yan

  • options

    a. certificate in fine arts – visual communicationb. bachelor in interior design ????? watdaaaa?!?! why do i always get the worst choices?! can’t it be bachelor in fine arts ALONE?!?!?! whew. i have the weirdest academic case. i’m giving up my current bachelor’s degree for a certificate course in my preferred field of study. a…

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  • i waaaaaant!!!!

    canon ixus 80 IS found a bnew one at ebay for only 9700. bat ang cheap?!?! okay. ipon ipon muna… XD

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  • ay nako!

    trying hard ka! trying haaaaard!!!! wag kang pa impress! ayoko sayo. >____> you’re not the one i want to conquer the world with. hehehe maybe not this world. haha that’s reserved for someone else. :/ currently listening to: your universe – rico blanco.as in the whole album! hahaha i like! especially yugto! super ganda ng…

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  • lucid dreaming

    i was taking my power siesta awhile ago when i dreamt that i was standing on a vast field (similar to one of my wallpapers, will post soon). i don’t remember if i was with someone but i was certain that there was a big guy (like zangetsu; ichigo’s soul slayer; photo soon) behind me.…

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  • cool

    if i heard it right, we won 1st runner up in the cheering competition, 2nd runner up in ms. engmit, and 4th runner up in mr. engmit. mr. seles won mr. engmit. i kinda knew it, it was really obvious. though for the ms. engmit…i dunno. what happened? wow. that was superb! XDlol, and i…

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  • the 5th stamp

    so, i attended our make-up class this morning but decided to not stay over at school for the cheering competition and the conclusion of the mr and ms engmit 09. wewewell, it’s because i didn’t want to stay over for the night, and my parents don’t want me to go home at midnight either. 40%…

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