A very personal blog

  • yes LORD!

    ok… what we did during cl day… we had mr. bo sanchez as our speaker… he is totally cool. he’s funny and spontaneous (whoa. how bout an on-the-spot creative description contest?). i like his stories and i like how simple his message was ‘we do not know how blessed we are’. and to add to…

    Read more: yes LORD!
  • happy birthday :)…again

    hihi… happy birthday to terai.. she’s now 16… and graduating! hahahaaaaaa…. it’s my sister’s birthday… yeah! she brought her friends here and they’re partying upstairs… haha… dun wanna mingle with them tho… hehe.. i got other stuffs to be working on… white houses- while reading the lyrics… i brought myself to the conclusion that the…

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  • happy birthday 🙂


    Read more: happy birthday 🙂
  • white houses

    currently listening to: white houses – vanessa carlton ^^;; kinda busy… i’m printing white houses music sheets… ^_^ anyway.. who sang ‘flight of the bumblebees’? i’m interested in the score…hmmm

    Read more: white houses
  • i'm becoming a gossip girl

    i hate to do this but all i can say to her in my speech is…rest in peace. i hate to backstabb but.. hey, that’s what i’m up to later… she is such a bitch.. yes, a son of a dog, a bullshit and a loser. and i will never ever do my assignment if…

    Read more: i'm becoming a gossip girl
  • compliments…yeah

    that should go without the ‘s’ since i only got a piece of compliment from our english tr. haha… now i have this hope of actually writing my own book… entitled… ’50 Beetle Cars’ and ‘Blog-Girl’ hehe.. watch out. haha… Look at this… it’s a volkswagen bus ball… imagine…^^;; — btw… i got my ‘lost…

    Read more: compliments…yeah