A very personal blog

  • hindi mamamatay ang jueteng II

    oh well, back at home!at last! did i say i was totally useless awhile ago? oh yeah i did. i was assigned to do the guitar accompaniment for our song… LoL, fine with me but i already forgot the tune of the song!i actually want a song that would stick to the audience’s brain and…

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  • hindi mamamatay ang jueteng

    i’m here in jami’s house! bwahehehee…hmmph, i don’t want to help in our project!!! why? because i know someone will always finish it for us! i’m just wasting my time here.i want myself to be useful but i can’t because someone here is to.. urghh.. nevermind. tss. i’m so envious of a lot of my…

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  • veronika decides to die

    i’m currently reading veronica decides to die by paulo coelho… =) i can say i’m enjoying it because i’m learning a lot! i’m actually considering life in a mental hospital, i think it would be pretty nice in there. according to the book crazy or insane people are those who live their lives in their…

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  • the gay way!

    hehe i like gay people!i always get giddy whenever Patroclus’ name is mentioned in our discussions with Iliad, coz i know Achilles will always be involved! come on, they’re a pair!!! also… Nicky and Rod from Avenue Q already penetrated in my nerves… LoL gotta like gays! hehe. oh well, i still think i’m 90%…

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  • dlsu-cet

    just got back from la salle.what can i say, it’s pretty hard for me. yeah i guessed a lot of numbers and solved only those that looked quite easy to solve coz i didn’t study for it. hehe, no regrets, as i’ve wrote here before i have no plans of being affiliated with la salle.…

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  • disappointed =(

    oh well, that was awhile ago so i’m feeling fine now.yesterday i was excited to visit terai coz we thought it’d make her happy but no. she’s so glum when we went there and she doesn’t like it that we brought food for our little family picnic right outside their dorm (which is natury in…

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