A very personal blog

Category: Personal

  • The Sunday Currently (vol. 20)


    Creating this entry earlier than usual cos I had a long day and finished quite a lot of things too! Yey! Currently Reading Nothing hehe Watching Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 on ABC Channel. They’ve been playing the series since yesterday and as usual, I failed to hold my tears when Sirius…

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  • Holding back

    7 things about me I thought you should know before you get annoyed at me: 1. I literally swoon over food Especially good food. I’m that person who would say ‘Mmmmmmmmmmmm’ over something delicious and have a face that’s about to cry. Believe me, I can’t help it.2. I jump over the littlest things I’m…

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  • The Sunday Currently (vol. 19)


    Writing this 30 mins before Sunday expires and publishing 2 hours after but whatever hehe Currently Reading Nothing. I was lazily getting bits of The Hunger Games, but recently I moved my ebooks from the internal memory to the SD card and in the process lost my bookmarks so I don’t know where to continue…

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  • Stop saying sorry


    Lately I’ve been feeling largely apologetic for a lot things I know I’m not supposed to be sorry for, and it bugs me. When did I start caring so much, why am I too sensitive about things? This is something I hate about myself, that I can’t seem to be just chill about small mistakes…

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  • The Sunday Currently (vol. 18)


    It’s a little over 12mn here in MN but it was Sunday when I created this so I insist haha. I know I mentioned I’m over doing TSC’s so I’m sorry to be back. I’m still bad at scheduled posts, but I’m really just looking for reasons to blog regularly cos I’m too lazy to…

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  • As usual

    Photo from www.16personalities.com I have always been fascinated about my Myers-Briggs personality type because the profile I’m getting has been mostly accurate and mind blowing (unless I’m subconsciously being swayed to agree with it. wow). Lately, my depressed and stressed (as usual) state at work has led me to contemplate (YET AGAIN) on my career…

    Read more: As usual