A very personal blog

Category: Personal

  • crap >___>;

    i wish i hadn’t volunteered to do robotics349, i never knew it would be this hard to create a critical paper on it. and to think that my partner was just dragged to it (because he was the last one to choose and everything else was taken…xept 349), it made me even more guilty to…

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  • why why love ♥

    first it’s coffee prince, then devil beside you and finally i’m doing a marathon of why why love!!! 🙂 if you’re interested you can watch it at Crunchyroll i’m still of episode 4 though… hehehe but i’m enjoying it! wahahaha @ i’m so glad this day is finally over (not exactly, but you get the…

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  • a missing sense of urgency

    @ early morning i went to my PE class! more so… we were already taught how to tread on deep water! yeheey! and also, we were required to jump on two of the diving boards! one low and the other relatively higher… now that’s coooool! it was my first time to jump on a diving…

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  • org issues >__>;

    i guess you’re unlucky to ever stumble upon this entry. for two reasons: a) if you’re not my brod/sis, you won’t understand a single thing belowb) but if you are, you might hate me forever for ever publishing this (esp. if you’re part of the newest batch) now i don’t really feel like discussing it…

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  • sedated

    i’ve been sleeping all day. >_>;;not literally but i sleep anytime i get the cance to… even in the church. waaah. so yesterday, my life is all about 2 freakin hospital trips. early morning we went to delos santos hospital to get a check-up regarding my alleged pneumonia and allergies… i sorta don’t trust the…

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  • wtdfck

    WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME?!?!?!?! apparently, i didn’t attend 2 out of my 3 classes this day… well, it’s not really a big deal since they’re just PE and a boring GE subject… but then how many times have i done this before? srsly, i can’t count them on my fingers.i’ve probably exhausted…

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