A very personal blog

Category: Personal

  • torrent in limewire = SUPERCOOL!

    at least i won’t have to download u/bitorrent! yeah.man, i always knew it was a bad idea to go online for downloads right before class.result = due to long dl time, i resort to skip class. i might just get another 5 you know. somebody slap me hard. i just want to site this wonderful…

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  • gravitation!!!!!!

    omg! i missed gravitation sooooo much i’m watching it again right now through streaming media. woooooh! so hopefully hindi ako maubusan ng pera dito… like usual! FOLKS, I CLEANED MY ROOM!this isn’t supposed to be something new but i kind of reached my tolerance limit to the garbage scattered on the floor, beside my bed.…

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  • woooh!

    marami nanamang taosa internet shop!!! >___>;; pano ba naman kasi… start nang online registration period! hahahahaha   gooooood luck sakin! :D:D

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  • dapitan

    wooooh! an attempt to get an ‘old feel’ effect using the color balance toolbar in photoshop. yey! 😀 take. december last year at dapitan… no, not the historical dapitan.. but the dapitan arcade famous for its native retails and cool christmas decors. hehehe 🙂 hayhayhay.i don’t think my sister would be taking summer classes here……

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  • as usual

    earlier this weekend i was sooo goodmouthing mendoza to my parents… and they just won’t agree without seeing the place. but when it fell down to two choices, new dorm or mendoza… my mom is so positive about mendoza, and me? i just changed my mind about it… i liked new dorm better. oh the…

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  • mendoza or new dorm?

    now that i’ve opened up the whole ‘transferring’ issue to my parents… they’re going to drive us back to elbi tomorrow to check for dorms (or apartments). just this weekend i badly want to transfer to Mendoza because i was caught aback by the wonderful ambience… but now that i think of the price, and…

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