A very personal blog

hello new officers 🙂

we just elected our new set of officers last night. 🙂 yey. cheers to the new AChES governance. 🙂

we started at around 8 and ended 10 hours afterwards. i didn’t expect it to be thaaaaat long. whew. anyhow, i wasn’t able to sleep that time so when i came back to the dorm, i slept immediately. in fact, i just woke up. haaay.

i don’t know what else to share. hehehe

we’re supposed to do some house/apartment scouting later… haaay. i can’t stand it in the dorm. wahahaha

dalisay? la ville?
ugggh. wherever.

hey, something’s up.

sorry, it’s nothing… really.

maybe next time. :/