A very personal blog

Category: Personal

  • nothing relevant to do

    listening to: love today – mika   sometimes (uhh, more often than not) i find myself going online without anything relevant to do (like research and papers and stuff). nothing, i just want to browse and browse and browse. check my blog (and not always write something), my counter stats, my devart account, my friendster…

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  • hello new officers 🙂

    we just elected our new set of officers last night. 🙂 yey. cheers to the new AChES governance. 🙂 we started at around 8 and ended 10 hours afterwards. i didn’t expect it to be thaaaaat long. whew. anyhow, i wasn’t able to sleep that time so when i came back to the dorm, i…

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  • cheers to a more mature UP

    BAGONG KRISTO: it was… long and hard to grasp. and to think we have to produce a paper on it for hum1. grrr… >___>; well, some parts were funny and most of them are unintended comic reliefs brought about by the script’s inconsistent use of the ‘medieval’ filipino language. no, i’m not belittling (sp?) the…

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  • who wouldn't mind driving around in this?

    hello, Lexus. you will forever be my dream car… along with that stunning ferrari. stock photos taken from jarryczi just photoshoped it a bit to fit in a single image. 🙂

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  • he's coming back

    and i thought i’ve already freed myself from him a year ago.it’s not that i’m falling for him for the second time, but it’s more like, uhh, yes there’s a chance. but i don’t want to be the one who will pursue in it, i’ve done my part. i’ve been hurt. if he suddenly realizes…

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  • ok, no more new dorm

    just now i decided not to push through with new dorm anymore. i figured that this very hot season isn’t a good time to live in a remote area and besides i also realized that if i really wanted to study, i should’ve fixed myself earlier. i should stop blaming the environment for tempting me…

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