A very personal blog

Author: Yan

  • the angel and the devil… in love. when i fall and break apart. who will pick up the pieces of me? when those pieces are scattered, away from each other, will you go and unite the broken parts? I’ve come to an end, yet you didn’t care. threw out everything bout me, even the sweetest…

    Read more: untitled post 3630
  • The Perfect Woman…

    the perfect woman… by arianne… a perfect woman, who could it be? that even naked eyes could not see a perfect woman, with a god-like beauty that dances around with steps so heavenly Who would it be, can you guess? Choose one in a billion and you’ll get stressed Maybe i know the reason why…

    Read more: The Perfect Woman…
  • helluva ordinary sunday…

    after church: went home… dahsed to the cr to throw up! before lunch: internet stuff… after lunch: internet stuff… boring stuffs to be exact… by now: anxious that out server is so slow… what else? saturdays at 6:30 pm at ETC channel… watch ‘KNOCK FIRST’ a very cool show! ^_^ you just gotta love it!

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  • helluva ordinary sunday…-_-

    sighh…. so… how does the layout looks like? nice? teehheee.. i find it really nice.. and i’m still not contented… what am i to say… i’m stealing other people’s codes… well… not actually.. coz niether of them owns it… so… ^_^ wee… oh… hmm… after church service… we went home and i dashed to the…

    Read more: helluva ordinary sunday…-_-
  • New Layout!

    cool… i gotta new layout.. ^_^ i got it from… blog designs … get yours now! ^_^ oh… i’m glad test week’s over! i mean.. i glad by now.. let’s see how i’m goin to react with the test results… i wish i didn’t fail.. i wish.. i dream.. i hope… find the similarities.. i…

    Read more: New Layout!
  • grounded phones, fucking modems….

    can’t get a proper connection without that ‘internet explorer experienced a problem and will need to shut down’ message. grrr…. ^_^ hopefully, i got all my reflexes on that… no big deal.. piece of crap. hmm… what happened… hmmm.. can’t think of nething memorabl from the last day i updated… well… currently, i’m reading a…

    Read more: grounded phones, fucking modems….