A very personal blog

Author: Yan

  • PAHABOL! 🙂



    at last i recalled what happened… nung MONDAY! January 17,2004 we were halfday that day. and b/c of that… our group in english (photo gallery) went to MANILA BAY (kme nina patam, monte, katdab… para kuhanan ang mga street children plus the sunset. first stop. patam’s house. i ate my second lunch there… oh my……

    Read more: PAHABOL! 🙂
  • w00t!



    LoL… haayy… soo many things happened recently… kaso i forget them na… i’m suffering from short term memory y’know… alam nyo ba… i’m taking our club for granted. actually no. the reason why i got into acoustics… is bcoz.. uhm… i’m tired of having paint splats on my uniform. that sucks… and then.. i tried…

    Read more: w00t!
  • nothing really….^^;;



    i’m just bored.. yun lng… can’t think of anything productive to do ASIDE from the term paper outline… haha.. i love pasta…yum!.. i ate a lot of spaghetti awhile ago… hehe… i’m listening to some random japanese song brought to me by a certain blog… haha… haha… i want to have an electric guitar… live…

    Read more: nothing really….^^;;
  • i'm changing my layout!



    again… LoL…my senses are hard to satisfy… haayy… just wait…. there’ll be a melodic bloggage v.4. — ‘Blog-Girl’ -_-;; haynaku… i hate my prom gown… duh kasi nga sa ate ko un… check her pic from one of my last posts… tube sha.. yuck..-_- i want to hide my.. san ba un? di ko maexplain……

    Read more: i'm changing my layout!
  • yes LORD!



    ok… what we did during cl day… we had mr. bo sanchez as our speaker… he is totally cool. he’s funny and spontaneous (whoa. how bout an on-the-spot creative description contest?). i like his stories and i like how simple his message was ‘we do not know how blessed we are’. and to add to…

    Read more: yes LORD!
  • happy birthday :)…again



    hihi… happy birthday to terai.. she’s now 16… and graduating! hahahaaaaaa…. it’s my sister’s birthday… yeah! she brought her friends here and they’re partying upstairs… haha… dun wanna mingle with them tho… hehe.. i got other stuffs to be working on… white houses- while reading the lyrics… i brought myself to the conclusion that the…

    Read more: happy birthday :)…again